High Security Seals

Fortified ISO 17712:2013 and C-TPAT-compliant security seals constructed with materials such as steel, airline cables and aluminium to delay tampering. Must be removed with bolt cutters or cable cutters.
Security Seals

Cost-effective, semi-barrier security seals constructed and manufactured with materials that provide limited resistance to intrusion and require lightweight tools for removal.
Indicative Seals

Seals manufactured with materials that can be easily removed by hand or by using a simple snipping tool or shear. These seals provide highly visible tamper evidence and easy identification for operation efficiency.
Active RFID Seals

Our active RFID asset tracking combines sophisticated Ctrack fleet management technology and state-of-the-art seals. Integrating logistics and security, ISIS seals allow for a complete audit trail with cargo and vehicle management.
Security Boxes,
Pouches, Bags

Highly customizable, our tamper-evident boxes, pouches, and bags are suitable for a range of applications such as ATM cassettes, cash-in-transit, confidential documents and handling carton boxes.
Tamper-Evident Labels

Suitable for a range of applications such as ATM cassettes, cash- in-transit, confidential documents and carton.