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Products: Indicative Seals

Fort Hasp Padlock

The Durable and User-Friendly Metal Hasp Seal

Chiefly used in the airline industry, the Metal Hasp seal padlock offers strong anti-pilferage diversity. It also shines when used for different applications, such as securing aircraft liquor carts, drums, switches, valves, and even utility meters. 

Versatile, user-friendly and durable, the Metal Hasp serves as a great alternative to conventional padlocks of old while providing clear tamper evidence.




1. The Metal Hasp padlock seal is etched with permanent laser marking for customized names, logos, barcodes and sequential numbers for security and easy identification.

2. Laser marking offers the highest level of security as it cannot be removed or replaced without showing clear signs of tampering.

3. The solid combination of the Metal Hasp’s ABS High-Impact body with a stainless steel hasp provides great strength and durability.

4. Scored to allow easy removal by hand, the Metal Hasp is designed for single use and is destroyed when opened, providing clear tamper evidence.



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