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Products: Indicative Seals

Fast Seal 8" PP HR

Versatile Pull-tight Seal with Metal Locking

A flexible pull-tight seal, the Fast Seal 8 PP (Hot Runner) features a metal locking mechanism that provides higher security and sealing capabilities.

The Fast Seal 8 PP (Hot Runner) is user-friendly and easy to apply and remove for small sealing facilities e.g. cassettes for ATM machines and money boxes on which it is widely utilised. The heat staking technology used in manufacturing the seal ensures it is also highly tamper-evident.




1. The Fast Seal 8 PP (Hot Runner) is etched with permanent laser marking. Laser marking offers the highest level of security as it cannot be removed and replaced.

2. Heat staking technology is used to permanently fix the cap to the seal. Heat staked parts are bonded too strongly to be cut or forced open without leaving clear evidence of tampering.

3. Metal clip locking provides greater pull strength to the thin and flexible strap.

4. Colour coding is made possible by using combinations of white-based seals and multi-coloured caps. A floating metal clip is shielded securely by a cap, providing great locking strength and security.



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