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Products: High Security Seals

Container Bolt Lock

High Security Container Bolt Seal

The Container Bolt Lock’s locking mechanism, the clip, is embedded in a groove in the metal bush, making the seals stronger and making them more difficult to tamper with.

Typical applications of the Container Bolt Lock include shipping and intermodal containers. The Container Bolt Lock is also widely used for ground transportation.




1. The metallic pin and bush of the Container Bolt Lock is made of high-carbon steel which gives better strength and added security.

2. The metallic pin comes with an option of an angled or a straight pin.

3. The barrel is made from high-impact ABS, which is moulded on to the high-carbon steel bush.

4. The Container Bolt Lock is etched with permanent laser marking. Laser marking offers the highest level of security as it cannot be removed and replaced.

5. Standard markings include serial number and customer name/logo. A variation of bar codes can also be marked with laser technology.



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