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Products: High Security Seals

Mega Rail Bolt

The Preferred Bolt Seal for the Rail Industry

The Mega Rail Bolt is unable to be removed by a standard bolt cutter and requires a specially designed breaker bar for easy and safe removal, offering great tamper resistance. 

It is also popular in the automotive industry as it is used to secure multi-level autoracks and high cube box cars often transporting auto parts.




1. The pin and bush of the Mega Rail Bolt are made of high-carbon steel which gives better strength and added security.

2. The pin is angled to facilitate applications on box cars and multi-level autoracks. It is available in 2 lengths for a secure fit.

3. The bush can be molded with high impact ABS.

4. The bush is etched with name, logo, sequential numbering and barcode using permanent laser marking. 

5. A breaker bar or electric grinder is required to remove the bolt. The steel bolt is too hard to be removed by regular bolt cutters.

6. The pin is also available in several colors which facilitates color coding in supply chain operation.



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