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Products: High Security Seals

Mega Flexi Lock

Double Security Barrier Seal

The Mega Flexi Lock provides the proven security features and strength of the Cable Lock,featuring a combination of solid materials: a non-corrosive aluminum body, a strong steel cable combined with a mild steel bolt and barrel moulded with high-impact ABS.




1. The 2 locking mechanisms are easily locked by hand. The Mega Flexi Lock can be removed by a strong cable cutter. It takes two cuts to remove the Mega Flexi Lock seal.

2. The Mega Flexi Lock can be colour-coded to suit individual requirements. The cable locking body can be anodized in 5 standard colours and the bolt seal is moulded with high-impact ABS in a range of different colours.

3. Customized marking can be laser engraved on the two locking bodies. Identical serial numbers, logos and bar codes can be marked on all three parts of the seal.

4. The Mega Flexi Lock is also known as the “synergy seal”. The combination of two proven barrier seals provides higher security than when the seals are used separately.

5. The Flexi Klick bolt seal features an oval, anti-spin design for higher security.



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